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#435386 - Now the man in the mirrors Mind was stronger and held Comfortably Numb things that would consume him Some would call it inner strength or fortitude But he called it Comfortably Numb, nothing could break him Then one day karma stood in front of him She Challenged his Comfort and made him feel once again His comfort gone the pain once again consumed him At his age he still had enough pride to try once last time So he set about to become Comfortably Numb, He partook and consumed, and with His last breath He once again felt Comfortably Numb and it consumed Him Beware of how you choose to cope with life's hard knocks For being Comfortably Numb won't solve anything for long but just for now looking up at the sky I can not deny All I want to be is once again Comfortably Numb.

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Shunsuke imaizumi
I like boys and he is one sexy black piece of specimen hot
My name is itsbrklynx on all platforms baby
Damn i came hard asf