#50095 - &&& Afterwards &&& Mike had finished up in the pool as everyone else had and he left the changing rooms early when he saw Dan again “Hey Mike thanks for helping out in the back” Mike was tense “Wh, What do you mean” Dan laughed “You know with the life jackets, what do you think I mean?” Mike nervously smiled “Oh no, sorry no problem” “Well, I am glad I saw you, Gaynor wanted me to pass on a message she would like you to go to hers on Monday night at 18:00pm” he lost his smile and then rather suspiciously asked “Why, what have I done?”, Dan detected his suspicion and Mike asked “Why does she want me to go?” “It is okay man relax, you are a bit nervous tonight aren’t you, are you okay” Mike nodded though unconvincingly “I, I am just tired” “No worries, uh, well as far as I know Mike I don’t think you have not done nothing, it is just she said to me to say she wants you to go over some work for the club, I don’t know, maybe it is a future course Mike.
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