Doujinshi | Urination | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#270646 - I barely even noticed my brother stroking his shaft through the thin layer of his shorts. No one spoke for the longest time. And, unlike my brother, he was happy to show it more than once or twice a day.

Read Shaved 「短小包茎粗チンの女々しい僕が如何にしてチ○ポ便器に堕ちたか」のその後 - Original Naughty 「短小包茎粗チンの女々しい僕が如何にしてチ○ポ便器に堕ちたか」のその後

Most commented on Shaved 「短小包茎粗チンの女々しい僕が如何にしてチ○ポ便器に堕ちたか」のその後 - Original Naughty

Charmander over squirtle
Karina sakaguchi
Anyone knows where to find the full scene